Our association was founded with the purpose to create, preserve and transmit cultural values. This goal - emphatically, but not exclusively - also aims at supporting some Christian initiatives.

The first year when the need emerged to found „Jelenlét Műhely” was 2001. A self-organised assembly of friends at the Lutheran Theology of Budapest had the basic idea of giving birth to a journal called Kairosz. We managed to establish a publisher for it.

The association was registered by the court on 15 May 2002. As an annual periodical, Kairosz has had three issues so far.

After a few years some enthusiastic members gathering around the Invisible Theatre decided to revive the association and provide a working background to this genre.

In August 2008 the court approved the changes of our statutes and declared our association to be of public utility.

The association – for the sake of achieving its aims - :

  • supports the workshop of the Invisible Theatre;
  • organises seminars, trainings and therapeutic workshops based on the methods of the Invisible Theatre;
  • helps disadvantaged young people to develop their skills in the field of art by using these methods;
  • is involved in culture management issues in connection with the above-mentioned activities.

The main activities of public utility according to our Constitution 8.§ (1) are the following:

  • preserving health, preventing illnesses, healing, healthcare, rehabilitation;
  • education, teaching, skill-development, orientation;
  • promotion of the social equality of disadvantaged groups;
  • services available for public benefit NGOs.

Officers of the association

President: Dr. Mézes, Zsolt László
Secretary: Rigler, Andrea Zsuzsa
Financial secretary: Horváthné Veres, Katalin

Seat of the association

4031-Debrecen, Derék u. 247. I/3

Bank account



Tel: +36-20-381-2004;  Horváthné Veres, Katalin
Web:  www.jelenletmuhely.hu